Read aloud by a trained rhetorician from the new grammar schools, the passage which Sutherland quotes (pp. 49­50) takes on the brash variety of a Louis Armstrong trumpet solo: Hero hoped, and therefore she dreamed (as all hope is but a dream); her hope was where her heart was, and her heart winding and turning with the wind, that might wind her heart of gold to her, or else turn him from her. Hope and fear both combatted in her, and both these are wakeful, which made her at break of day (what an old crone is the day, that is so long a breaking) to unloop her luket or casement, to look whence the blasts came, or what gait or pace the sea kept; when forthwith her eyes bred her eye-sore, the first white whereon their transpiercing arrows struck being the breathless corps of Leander: with the sudden contemplation of this piteous